Houle, Gilles (compiled): Bruckner Internet Biography

Houle, Gilles (compiled): Bruckner Internet Biography
Over the course of several years, Gilles Houle has been busy searching the Internet for anything he could find regarding Anton Bruckner. By downloading, editing and compiling, he has assembled an amazing document. It is broken down into several downloads below.

A WARNING: Do not simply download these and send them to your printer. When you add up all of the .pdf Acrobat pages contained in this compilation, you end up with an astounding 11,988 pages!

Download: TableOfContents.pdf
Download: AntonBrucknerIntroduction.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1824-1855.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1856-1867.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1868-1874.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1875-1885.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1886-1896.pdf
Download: AntonBruckner1896-2003.pdf
Download: AntonBrucknerNaziPeriod.pdf
Download: AntonBrucknerEpilogue.pdf