Symphony No. 7 (Cut or Uncut?):: Andras Keller / Concert Budapest / Tacet 2 CD set

Symphony No. 7 (Cut or Uncut?):: Andras Keller / Concert Budapest / Tacet 2 CD set
Symphony No. 7 (Cut or Uncut?):: Andras Keller / Concert Budapest / Tacet 2 CD set
There are two complete recordings in the release. The first CD has a performance that is a straight reading as it took place during the final day of the recording session. It is presented as it took place with no edits. The second CD is an edited composite taken from hours of recordings that were made over several days during the recording sessions.

The terminology on the CD is a bit misleading. the cover refers to cut and uncut recordings. That was, at first glance, hard to understand since the cut performance was longer than the uncut performance.