August 15 - Linz

Today was devoted entirely to Linz due to its many connections to Bruckner. On a walking tour, we visited the New Cathedral where Bruckner's Mass No. 2 was premiered, the Parish Church, the Old Cathedral with its Bruckner Stairs Museum that leads up to the organ loft, the Brucknerhaus Concert Hall and a view of Linz from Poestlingberg.

The new cathedral in Linz
Plaque in Linz commemorating the premiere of the Mass No. 2
Bruckner in the stained glass window of the New Cathedral
Where Bruckner was taught to be a teacher
Second sign at the Linz School
Bruckner bust at the Bruckner Stairs Museum at the Old Cathedral
Bruckner plaque at the Old Cathedral
View of Linz from Poestlingberg
Photo opportunity at the Brucknerhaus
Profile of Brucknerhaus bust
John in discussion with the our guide