An interesting Bruckner cartoon

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While doing my occasional Internet search for Bruckner-related items, I came across this cartoon at the Bridgeman Art Gallery. I downloaded the small sample and removed the watermark so that it could be seen better. The print can also be seen between pages 188 and 189 in Robert Haven Schauffler's book "The Unknown Brahms," Dodd Mead Co.; 1933. The gallery's description and translation are as follows:

Invitation to a carnival at the Tonkunstlerverein, Vienna. Cartoon shows Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) leaving the office of Haslinger, Beethoven's publisher: The twelfth symphony has been worked off. Relieved, he starts the second dozen. Signed by Johannes Brahms, J.M. Gruen, Julius Epstein, R. Lienau, Carl Goldmark, Ignaz Brull, and Mr. & Mrs. Anton Door.

According to Schauffler's book, the cartoon was drawn by Robert Lienau, a friend of Brahms, but also the publisher of Bruckner's Eighth Symphony. So one can surmise that Herr Lienau had a change of heart.