Piano Transcription of the Symphony No. 7 (2 hands - Emil Petschnig)

Emil Petschnig, born December 19, 1877 Klagenfurt; Died December 15, 1939 Vienna 10, Kundratstraße 3 (Kaiser Franz Joseph Hospital) He is buried in Vienna's Central Cemetery.

Composer, librettist, music critic, music writer, Emil Petschnig was (like his father) a railroad official. He studied music theory, counterpoint and harmony as well as composition with Robert Fuchs at the Vienna Conservatory from 1896-1900. From 1904-1906 he received private lessons from Alexander Zemlinsky.

As a musician as well as a writer Petschnig turned decisively against current trends. He rejected Richard Wagner and his followers (essay "Richard Wagner and no end") and as vehemently Arnold Schönberg and the representatives of atonality (through the essay "Arnold Schoenberg, the psychopath" [1924]. Petschnig completed six operas (based on his own texts) (Kupidos messenger, 1913, King Villon, undated, Tartini, 1913, Alpensaga, 1915; Barbara Blomberg, 1919, The Promised Time, 1920), none of which was ever performed.

In addition to the operas and some 12 operatic fragments Petschnig has five symphonic overtures to dramas by Lord Byron, Grillparzer and Hebbel, two dance suites, three orchestral suites, variations, music to a pantomime, waltzes, tangos, foxtrots, several ballads for soloists, choir and orchestra as well as numerous piano songs.

In addition, Petschnig transcribed Anton Bruckner's Symphonies Nos. 7 and 9 for piano four-hands.

The manuscript of the Symphony No. 7 can be downloaded below:

My thanks to Klaus Laczika for providing this material.

Download Petschnig_Bruckner_Symphony_7.pdf